The best answer to conspiracism is class struggle

Wednesday, May 13th, 2020

After Germany introduced its pandemic protection measures, which were internationally considered to be rather unstrict and much marvelled at, protests against them, demanding their “easings” or even a full end to them, first appeared online and then from late April more and more in the streets. Media coverage first hooked on the so-called “hygiene demonstrations” […]

Video & Remix zu “Red Army Sniper”

Friday, September 28th, 2012

Die B-Seite unseres neuen Albums beginnt mit einer hommage in punk an Lyudmila Pavlichenko, die einst mit ihrem Scharfschützengewehr 309 Wehrmachtssoldaten erschoß, als diese gerade in die Sowjetunion vorrückten. Diesen Track verwandelte Vivi Nox alias DJ Terror Terror in ein rohes Stück Metall und zermörgelte und dehnte hierfür die Vocals. Zum Remix wiederum hat Apfelkuchenkomplott, […]