My salute to monochrom’s & Telekommunisten’s DISMALWARE @ c-base

Friday, February 4th, 2011

A salute to you, comrades in the trenches of cyber class war! To the deformed situationist abberation of Monochrom! To the Telekommunisten in their MANIFESTO phase that hopefully precedes their CAPITAL phase! To the unknown soldier! Yes, the stinkin’ lazy hippie commie bastard Kulla is overworked, overwrought and can be described by a third synonymous […]

Chaos Congress C-Side: The Geek Insurrection

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

27C3 parallel event @ c-base, Dec 28, 2010 Entry is free, no 27C3 ticket required! 18:00 mspro: Von der Polis zum Anderen. Die Genese der neuen Öffentlichkeit Der Grundsatz “öffentliche Daten nützen, private Daten schützen” stößt an die Grenzen seiner Tragfähigkeit. Er stößt, um genau zu sein, an eben die Grenze, auf der diese Unterscheidung […]