Workers’ Liberty über AAB (2004)

December 21st, 2009

>>Antifaschistische Aktion Berlin – Anti-fascist Action Berlin. Very much a part of the “left-wing scene” where style wins over substance every time. The fashion student’s favourite revolutionary organisation, post-this, post-that, post-the other, the AAB is best known for organising apolitical demonstrations with sound-systems to block out political content, such as the “Revolutionary 1st May” in Berlin, which is little more than an excuse for a riot. The AAB sell a wide range of merchandise, including hooded tops, masks, and “riot” or “antifa” t-shirts, available in “boy” or “girlie” cuts. The AAB (mis)uses the logo of the original Anti-Fascist Action set up by the German Communist Party in the early 1930s. This time however, class plays no role in the AAB.<< Alliance for Workers’ Liberty

(via Wendy & nada)

9 Responses to “Workers’ Liberty über AAB (2004)”

  1. Marxist Says:

    Na was meinst du, was die erst über dich schreiben würden. Bei dir spielt ja class überhaupt keine Rolle, daher auch dein dummer Name.

    Aber weil’s gegen die AAB geht (wer auch immer das sein soll, Gruppe diesen Names ist mir jedenfalls nicht bekannt), druckst du es ab.

    Du bist und bleibst eben ein dummer Spacko!!

  2. classless Says:

    Ist das ein Kommentar der Internetleugnerinitiative?

    À la:”Wenn ich etwas lese, muß es gedruckt worden sein”?

    Oder: “Ich muß Vermutungen anstellen, weil die Bibliothek so weit weg ist”?

  3. gnurpsnewoel Says:

    eher ein Kommentar von einem Menschen, der die AAB mangels Alter oder Wissen nicht mehr kennt…

  4. mané Says:

    @ marxist: meines wissens ist top berlin ein spaltprodukt des spaltprodukts (kp berlin) der aab.

  5. dave Says:

    Interestingly, I was at one of the shows run by one of their successor organisations lately. A group with the stylish name of top b3rlin. It was a communist charity rave, quite cool a party. What I grasp is that, apparently, it is kind of their point of view, that revolution in germany can only be reactionary, hence they’ve somewhat given up on that swapping the goldman quote to something like “if I cannot have a revolution, at least I can dance”. I think, nothing wrong about that. It doesn’t do any harm and it’s fun, call it communinist, call it blahblahblah, if people have fun then nothing’s wrong bout that… no reason to get cynical… surely, the same holds true for mayday and love parade

  6. posiputt Says:

    “Alliance for WOrker’s Liberty”: AWOL?

  7. classless Says:

    @ dave

    As long as people shout what they always shout at demos I like loud music drowning them out.

    @ alle

    Wenn’s denn so schwer ist:

  8. Aktionskletterer Says:

    Well as long as the label does not sell itself to the same investor as Thor Steinar…

  9. tohuwabohu Says:

    klingt nach verbissenen alt-linken, die “spaß” für kapitalistisches teufelszeug halten…

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